Monday, October 12, 2009

Angels in Amber (Green Innocence)

-1 If you look out to the Orchards,
Fields of orange and reds, browns and yellows,
You will see purity, wicked lovely,
innocence and cinnamon dreams.
-5 The apples would be ready to pick,
loaded up in the wagon to be shipped,
inspected, savored, and eaten,
all over the world for all to enjoy.-9
If you looked out yesterday, though,
you would have seen green leaves falling,
the air too cold to keep them alive,
and the apples would be ripe, still,
-13 Crisp, as if they do not see the splendor around them wilting;
It's all about them,
even in the cold, even on the cloudy days,
even in October.
-17 If you look out today,
You'd see no orange, no red,
you wouldn't even see green!
All you would see is white, pure white,
-21 the true innocence that winter would bestow;
It would be cold, barren,
even the apples, red and crisp, would feel solitary;
And it's only October.
-25 Just days ago, it was warm, sunny,
life was vibrant and sweet;
it even rained.
We all stood out in the fields near my house and just stood there,
-29 looking up to the sky as the tears washed us away,
all our woes, our worries, our faults, our sins,
were cleansed from us with the rain,
and hope was such a good feeling to have then.
-33 But now, it's snowing;
the same clouds now cluster the ground with white blessings,
blindingour eyes from the grey and blue around us,
the streetlights in amber peering through.
-37 clumping to our lashes, their last hope,
only to be melted by our rosy cheeks,
and there goes another sin.
Don't you taste it, too?
-41 Don’t you remember when we stood outside,
arms open wide to embrace the cloud's tears,
taking our fears with it when it dried as we were cleansed?
It all tasted like green, earthy, and wonderful.
-45 What do we have now?
We have our snow, the same tears, now frozen,
falling and covering the earth,
So we may not see what green life was like before reds and oranges,
-49 before yellows and browns,
And all there is now is white innocence,
truly the most sinful thing on this earth,
and sin never looked so lovely. -52 -NN