Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Media Center [02/02/10]

Take your ass
You ain't got none
You got a whole bunch,
actin like a bitch
You can't do that
imma do this fast,
I say yo,
that's how you lean...
Fine, be it. *pound* Ha! You ain't seen nothing yet.
Dis is how you do talk, dis is how you do shit, dis is how you do nothing.
Calm down, man. P'haps you a big liar. P'haps you ain't seen nothing, dis is how you see this shit.
Mostly, man. not all, but not a little.
Yeah, his face, man. A fish face, smackin dat face, his hair on his face, man.
Dat Barracuda.
*dis is all, man*
You serious? Eh, really? *gurgle*
See the monster we've created, see his face, in rich browns and ambers, in oranges and deep reds.
[walks away] but I needed you, I needed you to stay.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This fog is thickening, so try flashing your lights to the sky. I don't know when it's going to lift up, or when the winds will sweep it away. So until then, listen, to its echoes of grey. Listen, and hold my hand; stay.
She cries in the night, so scared, so new; so many things she knows not how to do. if only someone could find a light, she could find her mother, she could find you.
The lies are thickening, so try flashing your lights to the sky. I don't know when you're going to give up, or when they'll sweep you away. So until then, I listen to its echoes of grey; listen, hold your hand; stay.
his hands scratch and peel away at her truths; blinded by what he sees. He'll won't ever know about what she said before; his hearing's faded down, his eyes are blinded by what he feels.
This fog is thickening, so try flashing your lights to the sky. I don't know when it's going to give up, or when the winds will sweep you away. So until then, listen, to its echoes of grey. Listen, and hold my hand; stay.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I Ask (You Listen)

-The banner waves in magesty, as it is carried through the battlefield.
-The hole-flaps are waving to me, giving their farewell.
-Someone gives a cry, a pierce to the temple, a ruckus to the ear.
-The sunlight in the bright blue sky tells no tales to calamity, a fight within a fight, confusion only God could comprehend.
[Yet we live this everyday, a constant struggle to understand who we are and what we're here for. Even though the fabrics of time are more like set in stone, we need hope that we can change it. If no hope, what do we have? Its fiery enemy, Sr. Gen. Logical, Rep., Ret.]
-So, in this chaos, this struggle, this battle, this fight; who wins?
Who wins? Do you even know?
I sure hope you do...
Because I don't.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Angels in Amber (Green Innocence)

-1 If you look out to the Orchards,
Fields of orange and reds, browns and yellows,
You will see purity, wicked lovely,
innocence and cinnamon dreams.
-5 The apples would be ready to pick,
loaded up in the wagon to be shipped,
inspected, savored, and eaten,
all over the world for all to enjoy.-9
If you looked out yesterday, though,
you would have seen green leaves falling,
the air too cold to keep them alive,
and the apples would be ripe, still,
-13 Crisp, as if they do not see the splendor around them wilting;
It's all about them,
even in the cold, even on the cloudy days,
even in October.
-17 If you look out today,
You'd see no orange, no red,
you wouldn't even see green!
All you would see is white, pure white,
-21 the true innocence that winter would bestow;
It would be cold, barren,
even the apples, red and crisp, would feel solitary;
And it's only October.
-25 Just days ago, it was warm, sunny,
life was vibrant and sweet;
it even rained.
We all stood out in the fields near my house and just stood there,
-29 looking up to the sky as the tears washed us away,
all our woes, our worries, our faults, our sins,
were cleansed from us with the rain,
and hope was such a good feeling to have then.
-33 But now, it's snowing;
the same clouds now cluster the ground with white blessings,
blindingour eyes from the grey and blue around us,
the streetlights in amber peering through.
-37 clumping to our lashes, their last hope,
only to be melted by our rosy cheeks,
and there goes another sin.
Don't you taste it, too?
-41 Don’t you remember when we stood outside,
arms open wide to embrace the cloud's tears,
taking our fears with it when it dried as we were cleansed?
It all tasted like green, earthy, and wonderful.
-45 What do we have now?
We have our snow, the same tears, now frozen,
falling and covering the earth,
So we may not see what green life was like before reds and oranges,
-49 before yellows and browns,
And all there is now is white innocence,
truly the most sinful thing on this earth,
and sin never looked so lovely. -52 -NN

Monday, September 28, 2009

(working on book)

-a She smiled from the table across from me, and I almost just gaffawed. She's looking at ME? He bowed graciously from the side of the table, mouthing, "I'm not worthy." When he looked back up, she was giving him a black stare. Her perfectly lined eyes were eminating their thick mascara hatred right at him. He could almost feel the room heat up. But then her purple eyes fell back down to the paper and followed her hand as it jotted down her unspoken conversation. Many people's handwritting, especially teenagers, were especially sloppy, usually chicken scratches. But her hand writing was like caligraphy, true art. She turned the paper to the right a bit as she wrote, laying a hand down to keep it from moving. Even if it was just a note, he could tell she was a very languid person, using a very smart vocabulary like Irk, or perogative. Smart words like that.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

8 to 10 (So I forgot)

"Life is like a tightrope; as long as you have a secure rope, no stick could ever give you more balance." -NN
-a But as the air around her as she walks this tightrope is missled by the stix, bruizing her arms,
enclosing her in a forest of brown and hitting the ground like a manical drumbeat...
pillows of white float in their leave, cotton snowing down like feathers, healing her purples and blues, and only when the stix stop falling could she gasp for a breath of air;
toxic, poisonous... and lovely.
-b Cotton snowing from the clouds,
whites and blacks as the grey sunset with all its radiance pierces the screen,
The inscents of sickly sweet, like candy, as they pass by 4th avenue.
Now, if only she could find her blanket; The grass is cold and damp,
And no one is here to keep the rain from drenching her in those black tears of theirs.
-c So should i walk away, knowing nothing can be done?
The fire is burning, spitting ashes out at me, hoping to catch on to my cloak;
all I hears is the crackling of embers as the sky bleeds black tears,
the moon, only absense to the shadows, the only light spare the fire and the stars falling to mourn, as if they know why she cries
-d And so as she sinks down to the shade, and he is there to catch her,
she feels that she will be alright, that the night's stars can save her once again;
but knowing isn't everything, she knows that, she sees it under her,
and so as her tightrope under her breaks and snaps, twigs not being strong enough,
a mattress of pillows clump under her form, so her purples and blues can be no more.
-e She falls into the pillows, being enclosed in the sweet smell,
the soft and warm embrace she missed after all this time, missed so truly;
turning into the warmth, she smiles, the feeling alien to her,
for too long has she missed out, for too long she has been away,
but now is here to stay. -e5 -NN

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Shadows of Silence (May Silence Be Forgotten)

-1 Do you ever feel alone?
As if no one in this world or the next is watching you?
Are you ever, truly, alone?
How does it feel to know that you're safe from another's eyes?
-5 I've never felt alone, I cant,
He won't let me.
Wherever I go, he follows, stalking from a distant corner,
or even right on my heels, but he's there.
-9 I almost escaped one time,
It was my choice, My time to really have a choice,
I could have told him to evade, to fade away,
to get lost, to leave me be.
-13 Oh, god, why am I so nice?
I couldn't tell someone to get lost,
They'd never find themselves after,
Melody's raft would just be white noise.
-17 So now this being follows me, stalks me,
He's almost like a shadow,
And I used to have a light to shine so that he'd go away,
But it blinded me from reality, burned the wit from my mind.
-21 In a dark hall, I feel I'm not alone,
I know I 'm not alone,
I'm with people I know, just lounging about,
wasting days with drawn out sighs and hysterical laughter.
-25 That's when someone next to me plays a tune,
Just sings it out without a care,
It's hypnotic, being sung out loud, everyone else not caring.
but it's sending its voice out to me with its lyrics.
-29 The melody rings in my ear,
as the whispers following are his -warm, welcoming-
Arms wrapping around me as my body hums to the tune,
Swaying with the melody's lure.
-33 But it just stops, everything,
So fast, so sudden, like a snap,
The arms just simply disapear, the music cuts off,
And the warm hums turn to cold goosebumps.
-37 The once friendly faces now turn harsh,
The light flicker off and on, like a strobe,
The faces start to evaporate, one by one,
and his voice fades out to a hushed breeze.
-41 That's when the shadow creeps over,
Just a dark faded fog, inching closer,
The bumps grow more, welcoming him over,
Though I pray they don't.
-45 The dark curls of shadow creep up,
and almost as if planned, my bumps are ridden,
in seconds, the skin is like porcelain,
smooth, delicate, and cold.
-49 ANd its shadows curled around the porcelain,
caressing, smoothly, in the embrace it prays to take,
As the porcelain warms at its touch,
loosening its shallow cold, only to lose again.
-53 As the shadow consumes the fragile skin,
I hear the tune once again, its warmth muffled by the fade,
So all I hear is a beat, almost technologic,
A bass, a beat, and notes.
-57 It somehow reminds me that I still have that choice,
I can escape this monster and return to that warmth,
The music, the hums of color, the life,
Or I can fade into the shadows once again.
-61 Once before, darkness crept inside me,
Once before, I was blinded, burned by the light,
Now I choose the curling shadows at my side,
or may the melody be sung? -64 -NN