Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What We Have Done

-1 I used to be one of them,
Oh, how I miss those days,
when I would walk on home after dark,
heading from some friend's house,
just Jaywalking,
my cell phone lost, or even broken,
but I never cared.
-8 I would always break the rules,
I would follow my own instead,
as if I had any then.
Wasn't that what she said?
I remember as she headed down the stairs,
over at her apartment by the drugstore.
She, bless her soul, was my sanctuary,
-15 she was my second home, my life,
sometimes my only home when I ran away.
She always wore skirts higher than her dad,
as he sat on the couch, watching TV,
she wore push-up bras and fish nets,
looking all like a bad influence,
someone to steer your children away from.
-22 You ask me here and now,
sitting on the floor or on a couch,
why would you interract with such a beast,
a horror, if you will to say,
who could be that horrid,
that broken, that fucked up,
and still care to talk to the likes of me?
-29 Quite frankly, to be honest,
I still don't know why,
The first day I spoke to her was a blur,
Our first sleepover was nothing usual,
Piercings usually covered all of her skin,
along with cut marks and tatoos,
while mine remained unscathed and pale.
-36 We would hang out with odd beings,
wild and untamed, Blaks, Reads, and Purpuls,
sometimes a Wight would come by.
In the alleys, they would roam, rant,
Cavork with mail, tipping over trashcans,
laughing as they did,
Me blushing, laughing along, from far behind.
-43 Maybe it was rebellion,
maybe it was a need to clash,
to stand out in a Mixing pot,
to not become a steriotypical hypocrite.
Maybe it was just for fun, though,
Or to watch someone have fun,
as the other shadows would quite often.
-50 All I knew was that She was my best friend,
she was there for me when no one else was,
she stood up to the Bitches at school,
the boys in the bathrooms,
She stood up to the Populars,
she stood up to the teachers,
and their academic expectations, too.
-57 I felt welcome, accepted, wanted!
I felt like someone cared about me,
As if anyone else really cared,
where I was, who I hung out with,
what I felt, what I heard,
No one was there, no one lended a hand,
All but one girl, who kept me balanced.
-64 The zen I needed,
The Yin in my Yan, The shadow in the light,
There, right in front of me,
as she walked down the down the stairs oh so long ago,
in Fish nets, shorts, and a tube top,
Piercings dangling from her ears,
her nails a hot pink.
-71 In that moment, she looked flawless,
perfect, Wonderful, even beautiful,
with a smile wide across her face,
her thin red hair parted along the tip,
in two small ponytails barely leaving the scalp,
Barely looking like a shadow, nonetheless a Purpul,
But hiding nothing from her true friend.
-78 She came up to me,
grabbed me by the forearms,
losing all playfulness she might have had,
as she asked me something that still shocks me,
" Why do you hang out with me,
after all that me and my friends do wen we hang out,
why don't you mock us and cast us out to the dogs?"
-85 I had one answer and one only,
there was no other answer to this question,
It was purely simple, So easily confused,
sometimes over thought, sometimes shrugged off,
But, this time it wouldn't,
this time it would be straight forward,
For the question of life is never shrugged off.
-92 "I have Three rules that I follow in life," I said,
"One, Obesrve yourself and others around you,
for who you hang around with make up your life.
Two, Base your rules on those observations,
like not hanging around with bad influences.
And, Three, break all of them,
so no one can make you what you don't want to be."
-99 Jaywalking nowadays isn't hard,
even though she had moved away years ago,
It turns out that the rules I had set up were good ones,
it's just the ones I broke that broke me.
Days after hanging out with new friends,
I had a new set of rules.
-106 I believe after that day,
when we stood in her apartment,
waiting for an excuse to leave,
I had changed her somehow.
She was more reluctant to go Rebel,
she sold her pot, her booze,
She even sold her earrings.
-113 She started hanging out with my kind,
the blind, the ignorant, the stuck up,
Those were my friends then,
As if they were the Yan to her yin,
the light amongst the shadows,
which is what she seemed less of,
a shadow, a purpul, a blak read.
-120 It was like she needed me more than I needed her,
for she would have left if She didn't,
After all of the other sleepovers,
after all of the lame, the Crippled,
the Mockingbirds, had taken their feast,
she relied on me as I had her before,
and it seemed strange,
-127 Especially from her.
I had evaded from the dark,
I had took on light,
She had turned into a Bright one herself,
Usually Bright don't leave to the dark alone,
or tread into another's path.
I could tell she was different, though,
-134 She had changed herself due to me,
She could hang out with me without doing drugs,
she could speak without swear,
She could skip the Tattoo store for a day,
and Just hang out,
which felt wrong for a moment,
for she was almost always in the dark.
-141 I bet you're wondering,
why the hell is she talking about this?
Why is she saying she changed someone,
when they can change only when they want to?
Well, maybe she wanted to change, yes?
Maybe that's why she hung out with me?
Or will we be steriotypicals, causing stress,
-148 When someone in this world,
let it be alone a Wight, A Purpul,
A Blak, a Read, or even a shadow with a light,
would want change in this world,
where we wander in the dark,
Blinded by our stupidity, or lameness,
as I clearly walk in the path of the pavement of light? -154

... God this monologue sucks! lol!
F, here I come.

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