Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Glass is Empty(it's not full yet)

-1 I hear grey, just grey,
consuming, devouring, defeated,
the wind whipping my hair, howling at my ears;
-4 I miss the gentle lullabies whispered in my mind,
the warmth of arms around me,
the color, the light, the life...
-7 now I have cold grey, harsh winds, and no light...
where is my light?
Where is my voice? Echo?
-10 This world is muted,
full of fake smiles and silent laughs,
making me want to cry out,
-13 but no voice is heard among the din of whispered winds,
the cold grey, consuming still,
as my heart weakens and my patience runs thin...
-16 I am alone in my world,
with only the wind to keep me going,
and still I hear the whispered name,
-19 as the currents of the water, being dark,
pull me in to the depths of the puddle;
The shore line is fading, the sun is setting,
-22 the wind is dying, and I hear it still;
almost as if it has a breath, a smell, warm arms...
Where is the love? The warmth? Where is the sun? -24 –NN

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